Upcoming Short Stories

Last week I made some great progress on the short stories I’m working on.  I’ll be releasing a short story for each one of my main characters. It’s an opportunity for me to introduce them to you one at a time so you can get to know them one on one. The stories are simple, and close to home as far as the stories go, but I do like finding fantasy in the everyday.  So, writing these stories have been a fun exercise.  Plus, it’s a fun challenge trying to capture each one of their unique personalities and I think people will really enjoy getting to know them. I should have those ready to start sharing over the next couple of weeks.

On that note, I’m trying to find other places or services that might be a good option to share my short stories on.  Anyone have any suggestions? I just recently learned about Vocal, and Medium, but I don’t know what the pros and cons are.  I still need to do some more research.  But if anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

I must admit, I feel like I’m in a very exhausting phase of this project.  There is so much planning, storyboarding, concepting and development, without a lot to show for it.  Plus, I’m trying to keep the social media channels alive and moving along as well to hopefully keep building an audience for this book.  A few months out I’ll have more finished pieces to share, but I feel like so far, I have a lot to talk about, but not a lot to show.  But that’s usually how pre-production goes.  Well, there is a lot of concept sketching and I’ve been sharing those. I do have some drawings to work on that will go with the short stories, so you will see some of those in progress.

SPECIAL NOTE: I know I’ve promised the reverse DTIYS drawings, but I have to keep setting them aside.  I do not want to miss my timeline of launching my Kickstarter, and I have to keep myself to certain dates to make that happen. I do predict things will calm down as I get more of the pre-production art completed.  But I have to make them a priority.  I will get to them, but like I’ve said before, it may extend through the course of this year.

Thank you again for following along on this journey, there is some exciting work to get done this week!


Short Stories near completion!


The Pledge…