Short Stories near completion!

My first short story is nearing completion! I suspect I’ll be releasing it next week.  Just to give me time to finish the illustrations, make any last-minute edits and what not. Plus, I think I’m going to be using a service called, so I need to make sure I read through all the details of using that service. I have 5 short stories written, with one more to go. So, I’ll finish editing on the first one so I can release it while I finish editing the other 4 / writing the last one. I’m getting excited to start sharing these characters with you all.

My plan is to start releasing them through June / July, it just depends on how quickly I can finish the illustrations I want to create with each short story. But that is the plan. Then after that, more and more Kickstarter information will start being released.

One thought about It’s a service designed to help pay creators for their work / writing. Authors post their work, and they can get paid for number of views / reads. I’m curious how it will turn out, but what I like about it, is that it can be a way for people to help support and fund this project, without making an immediate purchase. So be on the lookout for more info.

EMAIL UPATES: Reminder, if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for email updates to be notified when I start posting my short stories. 

This is a fun adventure so far, and it’s going to get a lot more adventurous soon! Thank you all!


So it begins! First short story released!


Upcoming Short Stories