Journey into the Valley of Myrr
Chapter Zero Part II - No Return
A circular row of dragons shrouded in cloaks and hoods sit around a massive circular room with an open stage area in the center that remains empty. The hooded dragons sit in silence.
(Speaking Ancient Drekki)
“I fear Paha Attu has abandoned his loyalty.” One dragon spoke up.
The presiding dragon over the order replied, “Paha Attu’s rebellion is far less of a concern than what I have felt in the realm of magic. Something happened there. Something more significant than we understand. We must send a team to investigate. We need to know everything that happened in that valley. Who went in, who came out, what they saw and who they’ve talked to.”
“If humans are involved, or even dragons that are not of the order, we must eliminate them.” A tall and thin serpentine hooded dragon hissed.
“Won’t that raise questions?” Another cloaked dragon leaned in.
The presiding dragon raised a clawed hand. “We cannot risk discovery. We will eliminate any human or dragon not with us. That is the order. That is how we maintain order. We will make it happen, and the community will suspect nothing.”
“But there are reports of seven or more individuals that have entered the valley. If Paha Attu or Rask Taava did not dispose of them, it will not be a simple task!”
“We will handle it.” The presiding dragon motioned his hand to end the conversation. “We must send someone to investigate and assist the Eknor Order with any business that needs to be dealt with.”
“Shall we send Skaldar?”
The presiding dragon thought for a moment. “No, he’ll draw too much attention in such a small village. He won’t blend in as well and requires far more clean-up. We will send Lucian. His methods are more subtle and creatively lethal. Lucian will eliminate anyone with any information about the Valley.”