Journey into the Valley of Myrr
Chapter Zero - The Summoning
(Speaking in Ancient Drekki)
“The Council of the Order needs to address the recent activity around the Valley of Desolation.” A smaller red dragon with thick coarse scales spoke up.
“What is the report?” A gravelly aged voice spoke from a hooded covering.
“Sightings increase every year. Various sightings of different creatures. Local resources have controlled many instances, but too many occur that can be controlled. They suspect the Torkkaali clan. They…. they…” the red dragon grew silent.
“Do not fear, report the truth. We cannot plan for the events ahead unless we accept the truth for what it is and control it to our advantage.”
“It appears the valley wasn’t entirely cleansed, and the Torkkaali, they… they seem to be active and growing.”
The hooded dragon sat in silence, tapping one claw on the table. Other hooded dragons listened in the silence.
“It seems our Paha Attu acted far less thorough than he claimed he could be.”
“Sir, I don’t trust him, his mind, it’s too far…. it’s corrupted. I fear rebellion. I fear he won’t… he won’t enjoy being summoned until it’s time.”
“Haha, HAHA Ha.” The hooded dragon laughed in the odd silence of the others. “Do you fear the great white dragon?”
The red dragon shrunk back, eyes darting back and forth.
The hooded dragon leaned forward. “Only the weak fear. Or do you need to repeat the trials?”
The red dragon shook his head.
“The summoning is not a choice of preference. Paha Attu will obey.”
The red dragon nodded to his superior. “I will contact the local branch of the order-”
“No. I want you to go. A visit from the Hallador Order will ensure our Paha Attu understands the seriousness of his task. He will cleanse the valley. He may not further his work until he completely cleanses the Valley region. His pride must be squelched. He is a dragon of great power, but he is not as powerful as he believes himself to be.”
The red dragon nodded.
“The only true power lies in the Great One. Our power is his power. We are one power.”
The red dragon nodded.
“Go. Deliver his orders.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
“Most importantly, sense the loyalty of our friend Paha Attu. He is critical to our plan. We need his creations, but he needs to follow our orders. Exactly. If he veers course even the slightest, he could jeopardize the return of the Great One.”