So it Begins

                  Paha Attu examines his work of extermination when he hears the noise of shuffling scales scampering through the tunnels. Paha Attu turns to see the small reddish dragon with thick scales emerge from the tunnel at a frantic pace.

                  “Paha Attu! Paha Attu!”

                  Paha Attu addresses the red dragon. “Why have you returned?”

                  “An elimination order has been issued!” The red dragon climbs over a cluster of dead battle dragons. “There are humans in the valley! Humans! We have been given an elimination order, so they never return!”

                  Paha Attu looks upward. “Yes, I’ve met these… humans. Filthy, pathetic creatures.”

                  “What?! You saw them? Did you kill them? Please tell me you killed them!?”

                  “I did not.” Paha Attu turns to face the red dragon.

                  “How… how… how…. could you let that slip by? The great and powerful Paha Attu, allowing humans to roam freely throughout the valley? You were given a directive to cleanse the valley. That meant EVERYTHING!” The red dragon paces back and forth. “We must find them! We must follow them! We have been given an elimination order. If it is not fulfilled, we are, we are…” the frantic red dragon freezes in motion. His eyes dart back and forth, squealing as he struggles to fight against the force.

                  Paha Attu points his claw toward the red dragon. “You forget… messenger. I see everything. The humans escaped… because I allowed it.” Paha Attu steps in close to the face of the red dragon. “You are a pathetic excuse for a dragon. Look around. Look at the carnage, the destruction. The great Paha Attu is only responsible for some of it. Something is waking in the humans, something finally worthy to feel the strength of my great powers. The Great One cannot see it. Now is the time. The humans will return to their filthy village, they will talk, and the world will go searching in the depths of darkness to be heros, and Paha Attu will be the darkness. I will rule with blood, with axe and sword. All shall come to fear me. The world will know pain, the world will know destruction, the world will know… Paha Attu.”


To be continued …