The crisp morning air of spring filled the lungs of Jonas. A man in his middle age, balding with a thick beard and dark skin, briskly walked through the city streets. He carried a couple of leather pouches to his side and one larger leather messenger bag on his back. He observed the morning activity of a bustling city with a smile on his face. The surging spring-time climate swept out the dreary months of winter. The season of mud came to an end, giving the city streets a newfound pleasantry that had been missed. Jonas loved observing the gradual transformation of the city through the course of his morning walks into work.
But Jonas did not live that close to his place of employment.
Most would take a carriage or a dragon flight carrier, all much faster options than walking the distance and ascending the sequence of staircases to make it to the Archives of Hallador. But Jonas knew his body needed consistent effort to keep in tune and operating healthy. He enjoyed the sensation of getting his heart rate up and the blood flowing through his veins. He liked to physically energize his body in order to energize his mind. The slight chill in the air provided a refreshing bonus he enjoyed during the springtime months, keeping his skin cool while his core temperature rose from the physical action of his morning walk.
Jonas valued his early morning physical exercise as he would spend the rest of the day engaged in intellectual activities limited to the confines of a desk. He loved his work, but he knew the importance of keeping healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Jonas rounded the corner of a larger building, nearly crashing into a large dragon meandering down the street way.
“Oh, excuse me,” Jonas said, “guess I need to slow down a bit.”
The dragon smiled, “Not to worry, I should learn to speed up a bit!” the old dragon said with a laugh. They nodded and continued their way.
Jonas loved the morning hours of the city. Without the crowds, he found it easier to navigate and observe the people and dragons going about their daily routine. Hunters bringing their fresh game to the local butchers and markets. A dragon hauling a large crate of baskets to a local merchant. His morning walk became a symphony of sights, sounds, and scents. The emotion and energy of the fish market, contrasting against the smell of leather, and stains from the local artisans and crafters all, surging to a crescendo of smells from the baker’s market. He often stopped at one of his favorite bakeries to collect several pastries for himself and his fellow co-workers should he feel the need to celebrate the slightest of events.
The distance of his morning walk gave him time to observe and enjoy a city as it stretched in the morning sun, preparing for a day of commerce, activity, and excitement. The simplicity, peace and solitude gave his mind the setting it needed to wander and contemplate. Though the same pattern happened every morning, the intricate ecosystem of a city like Hallador fascinated Jonas. He loved watching the people and dragons do what they loved to do. They made the city of Hallador what it is today. A haven of creativity, intelligence, invention, learning, and a leader of thought and education.
“Hallador”, he thought to himself. “What a fascinating phenomenon.” Through his career and academic studies, Jonas learned of other civilizations throughout the world, and Hallador remained truly unique. Although there were several modern civilizations that rivaled Hallador, very few rose to the greatness of their city. The buildings Hallador built, the education they could foster, the many inventions and creations excelled beyond anything any other civilization created. The kingdom of Tyrnor was the nearest kingdom that could compare with the size and ability of Hallador. Although only one race of beings inhabited Tyrnor.
Hallador remained unique in that two completely different races of beings founded the city together. How their ancestors could put aside their inborn differences and find harmony fascinated Jonas. Many other civilizations throughout the world struggled with the ability to maintain peace. But Hallador didn’t.
Questions can be dangerous for a curious mind. A simple question of ‘why’ would branch into two more questions. Was it because of their type of government? Was it because their civilization was founded on two very different beings that view life in unique ways? His mind would split each question into two more questions, exponentially creating more and more questions supporting the topic. The organizational sense of Jonas would arrange the questions based on topics and how to study each topic.
“That’s it!” His mind declared! “This topic should to be studied. What made Hallador what it has become today? What gave it the spirit and longevity to outlast the typical rise and fall cycle? What gave Hallador its stability and heart?”
Jonas wanted to pursue a higher-level academic study to further his career. This could be the answer. Jonas thought about the topic. He couldn’t think of any previous research that addressed such questions. Studying critical topics such as peace is important not only for Hallador’s future but also for the benefit of all other kingdoms. He couldn’t stop thinking about the goodness such a study could provide to the other countries and kingdoms. A noble effort to unify the many kingdoms throughout the land.
His heart swelled with excitement at the brilliant idea. Jonas loved Hallador; he has watched her grow; he was a part of her. It would be wonderful to study the entity that inspired so much wonder and awe. Jonas already thought though the number of interviews and the historical studies to connect past trends and philosophies with that of current ways of thinking. He knew the information existed. He just had to bring it all together.
Hallador founded its greatness on something special, as Jonas had learned through the many sagas of the great kings and queens, noble humans, and dragons surrounding the founding of Hallador. But Jonas wondered what humans and dragons were like before Hallador’s foundation, and why they joined forces to begin with. The Consortium of Ancient Studies existed for hundreds of years, and despite extensive work, they never discovered much about life before the kingdom of Hallador. They identified several leaders of the ancient world, yet their writings focused on their founding efforts to build the kingdom. What was life like before then? Jonas then thought about Tyrnor. Jonas knew the kingdom of Tyrnor had far more records of their ancient world than Hallador. Why did they decide to record their history while dragons and humans seemed to have no desire for such things?
Why? There was that question again.
Jonas wondered if it was possible that the common language caused a delay or hiccup in the way the inhabitants communicated or recorded their histories? Once they established the common language, they made records from the beginning of Hallador’s foundation. Why did they not record their histories before then?
Jonas shrugged as his mind considered the possibility of the ancient days being more clan driven, and realizing the possibility that not all the clans and tribes got along. Some hated each other. Then the mind of Jonas wondered about the records in Tyrnor? Could the history of Tyrnor hold traces to the ancient life of dragons and humans? Why was there no collaboration between Hallador and Tyrnor?
The questions never ended. Jonas smiled. Maybe he could include a journey to Tyrnor as part of his studies. Jonas chuckled to himself. He was a bit of an outlier in his field. Most were older, physically incapable of a journey to Tyrnor. Jonas smiled. The idea of a project that would allow and even encourage him to travel again like he did in his younger years excited him.
Normally Jonas liked his morning walks because it invigorated his physical being. Today, his soul felt far more energized than his body. The more and more he thought about it, he wondered why scholars have not tried connecting these pieces. Why was Hallador successful when other cultures struggled? Why was Hallador not working with other kingdoms for a collective history of the world? It is critical to record who we are as a civilization. Without it, we become artifacts lost in time.
Jonas couldn’t wait to tell his friend and mentor Rasmus about his ideas and his plans to write a formal request for study. With a burst of energy, Jonas climbed the many stairs leading up to the garden courtyards of the city archives. The Archives of Hallador loomed magnificently over the city below, keeping watch, protecting the civilization and its future. It didn’t matter how many times Jonas ascended the staircases to the inspiring set of buildings, it always gave him a sense of awe.
Jonas made his way to his designated employee entrance. After clearing his security credentials, he entered the long hallway. To the average person, the inner workings of the archives were a maze of hallways, rooms, and tunnels. Working there came with a sense of pride in knowing where to turn and how to navigate from one place to the next. Opening the door to his office and work area, he hoped to write out his thoughts from his morning walk before Rasmus came into work.
Jonas paused.
Rasmus’s overcoat hung on the coat rack.
“Did Rasmus get there before me?” Jonas thought.
It was an unusual behavior for Rasmus. Jonas always arrived early. He enjoyed the peace and calm of his moments alone; it gave him time to think and prepare for the day or write in his journal. As a much older man, Rasmus usually came in much later than Jonas. Jonas looked around. His mentor’s belongings and leather satchel were still there. Why would Rasmus come in so early?
Starting the day with a question seemed fitting.
“Rasmus!” Jonas called out. Only silence responded. Jonas listened for the sounds of any movement.
“Rasmus?” Jonas called out again. Curiosity turned to concern. Did something happen to Rasmus late last night? Is he okay? “He is an old man but seemed in good health and spirits,” Jonas thought to himself. Still, Jonas did not hear any response.
“Rasmus! Are you in here?”
(Continued in Chapter 1 - Journey into the Valley of Myrr)