Duo of Death
Rune bellowed a roar and ran full force at the dragon-like creature. The enormous creature had large spikes and horns extending from all over its back, with large cranial horns on its head. It had shorter legs, leaning on its long arms to support it as it ran. The long arms had a massive horn growth, a single spike protruding from the side of its arm. It ran on all fours in an upright position to attack. Rune jumped up and over the creature, rolling into a somersault as he grasped the creature’s back with his hands, throwing it into a roll across the arena floor.
The armored dragon creature rolled to a landing, exposing its softer underbelly. Rune leapt to attack the creature while in its most vulnerable state. Rune swiped with his armored hands, landing a mild cut, but the spiked dragon creature jumped back up to a standing position, ready to fight. The creature blocked Rune’s attack with an armored arm while swinging its other armored arm in attack. The two creatures grabbed and clawed, swinging with the deadly horn growth on their arms, as Rune tried to attack with his facial horns.
The dragon creature had a short neck, and the angle of its back protected its vital parts. It could lean away, and fight with its long arms, keeping Rune far from getting a close strike. The two monsters threw swinging attacks, while blocking one another’s assaults with the horns on their arms. Rune and the huge, armored dragon creature shuffled around the arena hoping to land a deadly hit. Rune rolled and twisted, trying to gain any advantage on the armored dragon creature, although its long arms and stance kept Rune away.
Rune pulled at the creature with a quick twist, throwing the spiked dragon creature to the ground, hoping to expose the creature’s vulnerability. The armored dragon creature immediately nestled on the arena floor, protecting its underbelly. The creature became a ball of spikes and horns, leaving nothing vulnerable exposed. Rune lunged in with swipes from his armored arms and snapping bites. As soon as Rune got close enough to the armored creature, it would strike with its long arms, attacking with the massive horn spike protruding from its wrist. Rune ran in a circle hoping to get to the creature’s backside, but the creature could rotate just as fast, keeping its long, spiked arms ready to defend.
A secondary roar echoed through the arena.
Out from a cage cell stepped a gigantic mutant battle dragon, much larger than Rune. Like most of the mutant dragon warriors, this one had thick cranial horn growth on its small head. A series of spinal horns grew in clusters down its back, yet not as thickly protected as the other armored dragon creature. The battle dragon’s scales suffered significant deterioration, exposing most of its body in a thick skin, a potential weakness to leverage, yet the muscle structure of the creature exceeded that of any other foe Rune had fought. It had large human-like hands with long claws and carried a massive rudimentary built spiked ball and chain weapon. The creature roared at Rune, swinging the spiked ball and chain into the ground, then ran towards Rune.
Rune bellowed a roar in response, turning to face the oncoming battle dragon.
The armored dragon creature on the ground saw its chance and leaped to attack Rune. Rune jolted, dodging the attack. The creature’s first swing missed, the second one grazed Rune’s torso, cutting him along the side of his chest. Rune swung to counter the attack yet fell short as he leapt out of the way to dodge the incoming attack from the weaponized battle dragon.
The deadly spiked ball and chain crashed down between Rune and the armored dragon creature just missing Rune. Rune leaped to a safer distance. The armored dragon creature crouched back into its defensive position. The gigantic battle dragon flailed its weapon wildly, trying to land a deadly blow on the agile Ruundyr. Rune jumped, then dodged, one rapid move after the other as the gigantic weapon swung repeatedly.
Dodge, leap, dodge. The gigantic battle dragon’s weapon flew relentlessly as Rune barely kept out of reach from the deadly attack. Rune led the gigantic battle dragon in a large circle, dodging every attack. Then Rune began to back up. The gigantic battle dragon saw its chance. As it stomped towards Rune, it reared back its arm, and with one continuous swing exerting as much inertia and speed as possible on the spiked ball, swung it down toward Rune.
Rune leapt straight up, twisting his body backwards.
Behind Rune lunged, the armored dragon creature attacking from behind. Rune narrowly twists through the air, dodging the swinging weapon in front of him, and the armored dragon creature from behind. The spiked ball and chain crashed down on the huge, armored dragon creature, splintering several of its spikes. The armored dragon creature stumbled to the ground on its side, dazed by the hit. The forceful swing from the gigantic battle dragon overextended its balance, and it rolled forward onto the ground.
Rune ran headfirst into the side of the dazed armored dragon creature, goring its facial horns into its chest and belly. The armored dragon creature howled in pain. Rune tried for a secondary attack but faced the swinging armored arm of the creature. Again, they locked in a wrestle, fighting and blocking with the horns on their arms as Rune attempted a bite or jab with its facial horns.
The gigantic battle dragon regained its balance. Swinging its spiked ball and chain, it ran for the entangle Rune.
Rune pulled away from the armored dragon creature, rolling it and himself to the ground as the gigantic battle dragon lunged for him. Then whipping his tail in motion, Rune extended the spikes in his tail, slicing through the gigantic battle dragon’s arm. The battle dragon screeched in pain, letting go of its weapon.
The gigantic battle dragon turned to Rune, attacking with its arms and claws. Rune threw the armored dragon creature to the ground, turning to defend against the gigantic battle dragon. It swiped its enormous claws. Rune dodged swiping back, landing several cuts on the battle dragon’s arm. The gigantic battle dragon moved fast. It stood much taller than Rune. Several of its clawed swipes pushed through Rune’s blocking and defenses, landing several cuts into Rune’s arms and side. Rune fought to control the gigantic battle dragon, but its muscular strength began to overpower Rune. The gigantic battle dragon lunged for Rune’s neck. Rune dug his claws into the battle dragon’s wrists, holding its hands back from the choking attack. Rune stood on his back legs pushing against the gigantic battle dragon’s arms.
The battle dragon pushed back, screeching a howl into the face of Rune. The battle dragon began pushing Rune’s arms back with its shear strength. Rune pushed upward, but the massive battle dragon put extreme pressure on Rune’s back. The battle dragon’s claws drew closer and closer to Rune’s throat.
The armored dragon creature rammed into the side of Rune, pushing him down to his knees. Rune stabilized himself the best he could to keep the gigantic battle dragon from overtaking him. The battle dragon screamed a hiss as it reached for Rune’s throat again. Rune growled, trying to fight back as his grip loosened.
Then the armored dragon creature threw a punch with its spiked fist. At first it hit Rune on his armored scales and spikes. Then it threw another punch, and then another. Then one swing of the spiked arm connected into the softer tissue, leaving a large puncture wound. Rune yelped from the pain. The armored dragon creature continued to swing at Rune, attempting to take down the legendary beast.
Rune howled from the pain. The gigantic battle dragon lunged forward, pushing Rune down as the armored dragon creature reared back for a swinging punch to Rune’s vitals. Rune huffed as he panted. He glanced at the armored dragon creature. Rune couldn’t protect himself. He looked back at the gigantic battle dragon pushing him to the ground.
Rune growled.
His growl turned into a roar.
With one final push, Rune lifted himself up.
The gigantic battle dragon pushed back.
In one swooping move, Rune pulled back and twisted, throwing the gigantic battle dragon to the ground, then whipped his head around, biting into the swinging arm of the armored dragon creature. Rune lunged forward, dragging the armored dragon creature to the ground, then holding the spiked ball and chain weapon in his tail, he whipped his tail full force, smashing the stumbling gigantic battle dragon behind him in the face with its own weapon.
Rune continued dragging the armored dragon creature to the ground, gnawing on the creature’s arm, whipping his head back and forth while throwing jabs with the horns in his arms. The armored dragon creature tried to attack with its free arm, yet struggled to land a stabilized attack. A short distance away, the gigantic battle dragon shook its wounded, bleeding head as it regained its senses. It grabbed its weapon, then let out a screeching roar at Rune. With several thunderous leaps, the massive battle dragon ran towards Rune, raised his arm with weapon in hand and swung for Rune.
Rune lurched and twisted, flipping the armored dragon creature in front of him, exposing the creature’s soft side. The armored dragon creature’s face took the full force of the spiked ball and chain as it crashed and cut through its head and upper torso. The dragon creature fell lifeless to the ground, held up by its arm still in Rune’s mouth. Quickly turning back around, the gigantic battle dragon roared at Rune preparing for another attack. Rune stared at the gigantic battle dragon releasing his bite, letting the armored dragon creature slump to the ground. Rune growled, staring at his opponent. He rolled the armored dragon creature from its back onto its belly.
The massive battle dragon sprinted towards Rune.
Rune sprinted towards the gigantic battle dragon.
A colossal swing of the battle dragon’s weapon met an agile dodge from Rune. Rune circled around his adversary, roaring threats to the gigantic battle dragon, waiting for him to attack, then dodging out of the way. With each swing of the massive weapon, Rune took his chance to swipe his spiked tail at the creature’s arm. Rune continued to dodge leading the massive battle dragon in circles.
Then Rune saw his chance.
The gigantic battle dragon stumbled, growing more off balanced from its spinning attacks, and paused a moment before it swung again. Rune leaped through the air, landing on top of the gigantic battle dragon. Rune held on with one arm while he used his other arm to fight off swiping attacks from the battle dragon’s free hand. He bit and slashed with his facial horns. He wrapped his tail around the creature’s swinging arm, constricting it like a snake, then kicked into the creature’s belly with his long spur claws on his feet.
Then, extending the spiked horns in his tail, Rune sliced a spiral cut around the battle dragon’s swinging arm. The arm went limp. The gigantic battle dragon tried to push Rune to the ground, but it grew weaker and weaker. Then, with a push from his legs, Rune leapt backwards, landing on all fours. The gigantic battle dragon stumbled backwards, landing on the spikes of the armored dragon creature lying on the ground.
Rune growled at the gigantic battle dragon as it gasped and twitched trying to stand up. Rune climbed on top of the battle dragon, pushing him farther into the spikes below. Then, wrapping his tail around the gigantic battle dragon’s neck, he ended the fight.
Rune let out a triumphant roar echoing throughout the arena.