Patient Destruction
The white dragon followed the humans, the tyrn, and the monster. They appeared to work as a team, a fact that surprised the white dragon. He found it strange that the monster abomination of the valley walked with the humans as one of their friends. The strange behavior and companionship of the humans and the beast drove the white dragon to learn more.
On several occasions, he crossed paths with the other dragons of Myrr, the vermin he planned to exterminate. The white dragon didn’t care about them. It did not want to waste its time destroying them when it wanted to observe a deeper mystery. The dragon planned to return and exterminate all living creatures within the valley, but it grew more and more compelled to find the source of the magic he felt.
The white dragon could hear the loud noises of a battle in progress. Although he still traveled at his own pace, never rushed by the events at hand. As he followed the group of humans, he found them in a battle with a massive mutant creature. He observed their ability to fight. He recognized their impressive abilities to survive, yet the curious creatures perplexed him.
“Why do they run from the weak ones, yet choose to fight the stronger ones? Where is the powerful sorceress or wizard? They fight like they have no magic. Although I can feel it. They refuse to use it. Or they don’t know how.”
The white dragon watched the plight of the humans from a distance. Then he saw the young girl react in the strangest way. Rather than maintaining a safe reach from the mutant creature and using her magic from a distance, she ran into the midst of the fight, climbing up a column to pull down a cluster of plants from above. Only after failing to bring down the plants with the use of physical force did she turn to her magical abilities to finish the task.
“I feel her magic. It is a strange feeling, a connection. Is she an extension?”
The white dragon closed his eyes to focus on the feeling of the magic.
“It is powerful, it is human, yet it feels draconian at the same time. What magic does she wield? It feels old, yet untrained. What magic persists in this creature?”
The white dragon opens his eyes. He furrowed his brow as he watched the girl use her magic to pull down the plant above the mutant creature.
“Her source hides from me. NO ONE HIDES FROM ME!” A rare moment of anger swelled through the dragon’s mind. “Who is she? Where did she come from, and how is she hiding her source? I see everything down here. This is my valley, my darkness. None can hide from my darkness. How is she doing this?”
The white dragon’s breathing increased. His anger and hatred towards the girl surged. He held out his hand. He wanted to use his magic to exercise his power over her.
“Patience, my angry one.” The white dragon spoke to itself. The dragon lowered his hand. He stared at the group of humans as they emerged victorious over the formidable foe.
“Patience. Time for their destruction comes soon. Not yet. I feel there is more to learn.”