Recruited at a young age for his magical sensitivity, he was sent to support the Dragons of Myrr stationed in the underground city within the Valley of Destruction. As his abilities outpaced that of the others, he plotted a revolution leading to the cleanse of the valley and was entrusted with sole leadership in creating an unstoppable army.
“You cannot escape. I am darkness.”
Physical Traits
Paha Attu is a dragon of mixed species. He is part swift, part armored dragon. Living his entire life underground has left his body malnourished of earthly nutrition, causing a loss and reduction of scales, giving him a unique look of loose and folded skin. Although not overweight, his lack of physical activity has led to a larger and less agile size.
His wings became much thicker, limiting his flight to simple gliding, although more commonly he uses his wings as additional arms to climb through the uneven, rocky terrain of the underworld. His horn growth remains, but stunted, giving the dragon short horns and smaller sporadic spinal spikes. In contrast, the power of the dark magic he holds accelerated the growth of his teeth and claws, giving the dragon knife-like claws, and an open, drooling mouth.
Despite his frightening appearance, he moves slow, thoughtful and with purpose. Over time, his use of dark magic and life underground has given him a visually disturbing appearance, a physical presence that, although intimidating, is nothing compared to his magical powers.
Magical Abilities
Paha Attu was not born into the original Torkkaali clan of sorcerer dragons, yet came from a long bloodline of dragons with sensitivity to magic. His unique physical traits, linked with his ability for magic, set him up to be a powerful sorcerer. As a young dragon, he fantasized about being a powerful sorcerer, yet lacked an official spark. Even without a spark, relying on his bloodline only, he taught himself lower-level conjuring and spells. He searched out any information he could find on dragon magic, hoping to get noticed by the Torkkaali, and further the mission of dragons.
The Dragon Order noticed his abilities, and as he hoped, the Order recruited him to join the Torkkaali clan. Based on his sensitivity to magic, the clan assigned him to assist the dragons within the Valley of Destruction, hoping he could forge new magical techniques that the current dragons failed to accomplish.
Under the tutelage of the Torkkaali clan, and with access to the shard of Rathknarr, his powers and sensitivity grew rapidly magnified by his determination and thirst to become a great sorcerer. He excelled far above the abilities of the other dragons in the underground city, accusing the other dragons of being weak, unable to match his powers.
Then a dragon discovered the Crystal Scale. Most of the clan believed this new magic would give them the power to fulfill the directive from the Dragon Order. Paha Attu rejected this new power, sensing the corruption the magic had on the Shard of Rathknarr. His magical sensitivity told him a more powerful form of magic lay deeper within the earth. As the Torkkaali clan created the Magnificent Beasts, Paha Attu separated himself from the rest of the Dragons of Myrr in search of a far more powerful form of magic.
Historical Knowledge
Little is known about the youth of Paha Attu. He was not born into a noble or notable dragon family. Most dragons expected little from him, unaware he carried a bloodline linked to a family of dragons with an acute sensitivity to magic. When the Dragon Order discovered his abilities, they recruited him to train with the Torkkaali clan in the Valley of Destruction. His drive to be one of the great sorcerers pushed his abilities, and he outpaced the other dragons in successful experimentation.
His power and abilities sparked an unspoken feud between the true Torkkaali dragons and Paha Attu, a mixed species sorcerer. The feud crossed over into violence, with Paha Attu as the consistent victor. Because of his dominance, the Dragon Order appointed Paha Attu as the ambassador over the clan of dragons within the valley.
When the dragons of Myrr discovered the Crystal Scale, they wielded powers much greater than those of Paha Attu. At first, Paha Attu felt threatened, yet he sensed a deeper underlying corruptive nature of the powerful form of magic. Paha Attu separated from the others to keep his magic uncorrupted from the Crystal Scale.
The Torkkaali clan within the sunken city continued to embrace the new power, creating Magnificent Beasts far greater than anything they created before, only to discover they could not control their new creations. Their efforts spun out of control as the newfound magic corrupted their minds, twisting their thoughts and actions into self-destructive behaviors.
When Paha Attu failed to report back to the Dragon Order, they sent messengers that discovered the chaos within the Valley of Destruction, and that Paha Attu went missing. The Dragon Order searched for Paha Attu while they prepared a solution to eliminate the chaos in the Valley. Many believed the clan killed Paha Attu, and considered him lost when he suddenly surfaced, claiming he escaped the corruption of the new magic to purify and magnify his already powerful form of magic.
He offered to cleanse the valley of the failed attempts which the Dragon Order approved, much to the delight of Paha Attu. After slaughtering the wayward dragons and their uncontrolled creations, the Dragon Order tasked him to find and train new dragon sorcerers. Paha Attu did not believe any other dragon could master the powers he harnessed. He agreed to follow their directive, but Paha Attu left the sunken city to pursue what he believed to be the solution for all dragon kind. Not much is known about his activities other than his reports to the Dragon Order showing successful milestones in accordance with their plans. Many dragons question his methods, yet he consistently provides results, allowing him to work as he pleases.