Powers of Hope
Lili and Baal made their way through the intricate maze of tunnels and underground passageways. Travel challenged their abilities, yet they maintained a steady pace. Baal would scurry ahead, looking around, scouting the area, then scurry back to Lili. With a moment to think to herself, Lili thought about the newfound powers that grew within her.
Then she thought more about Baal. The more she observed the dragon, the more she knew the dragon wasn’t completely functioning in his mind. He didn’t act normal. She figured the significant scaring to his head played a significant role. She even questioned his abilities to do magic. He taught her magic, although her powers seemed to exceed that of his own.
Lili worried about Baal’s ability to free them. She believed he knew his way around the underground labyrinth, yet she worried he feared conflict with the other dragons. She believed that conflict would be inevitable. Earlier in her adventure, she feared the same conflict with the evil creatures in the valley, but with her newfound powers, she felt prepared to fight back if necessary. She feared Baal didn’t want her to use her abilities. As they traveled, she thought about being the one to step up and be brave. She may be the one that would save Baal. He saved her, and she felt she may need to repay the favor.
Lili thought about the new magical powers she gained. She feared talking too much of it because she worried Baal might feel bad if her abilities exceed his. She could feel the magic growing within as a constant surge of feeling and emotion that flowed through her body. The magic felt alive.
Lili looked around at the dismal dungeon-like tunnels of the underground city. She observed the strange, contradictory experience. Her face could not contain the smile from the excitement of magic, a sense of hope. Yet her environment reflected the opposite of her feelings. The underground world reflected despair, fear, and sadness. But the emotions inside her mind created the opposite.
As she felt the magic course through her veins, she felt her senses increasing. If she thought about it, she could feel the movement of Baal as he ran back and forth. She couldn’t explain it, only as being aware of his reality. Even when Baal ran far enough ahead and out of sight, Lili would try to feel his presence and location. It became an advanced game of “seeing in the dark”.
Lili could not deny what she felt. The magic within her would set them free. She knew it in her soul. She felt a meaningful destiny lay in store for her. As she thought about her new powers, she dreamed of bringing more goodness to this world. In life, she felt restricted, held back by the societal constructs. The hierarchy of society pushed her to be more reserved. Her shyness crippled her ability to interact socially, even though she felt her personality had a lot to offer. Her new power gave her the sense of a new life.
Lili smiled, thinking about her life once they returned home. With her new powers, she could help others. She could take care of others that never felt strong enough and protect those that couldn’t protect themselves. She dreamed of all the good she could do with her new powers.
Lili looked around at the dungeon-like structures of the underground city. Her mind compared the valley to her life. The world above wanted to trap her emotionally, keep her quiet, keep her personality, hopes and dreams locked up. The underground labyrinth tried to do the same thing. It wanted to keep her and Baal trapped, never to see the surface again. Lili fueled the frustrations and anger of her entire life into one goal; escape the valley. The valley tried to hurt her friends; it tried to separate her from her sister; it keeps Baal trapped in its cold dungeon walls. The valley only creates pain, sorrow, and despair. The valley wants to destroy any form of hope.
Lili hated the Valley of Myrr
She knew she could do more to help Baal and her friends. Lili’s powers could do great things. She just hoped Baal would give her a chance to use it.