A Flood of Trolls

                  “Did you have an unpleasant experience with trolls?” 

                  “Well, if you must know, I don’t mind sharing a moment with you. You provide the ale, and I’ll provide the tales of adventure.”

                  Theo smiles as he motions the barkeep for another round.
                  “It all started with a simple job. I had been working as a hired fighter for some time now. I wasn’t that new to the game, although it was still earlier in my career. A job came along, and I needed the money. A small, remote farming village had a troll problem. Nothing unusual. A lot of farmers deal with trolls. It’s a common job for a lot of fighters in the industry. The farmers estimated about a dozen or so based on sightings and several scouting ventures. I knew I had a challenge ahead of me. But twelve trolls, vs. me? Ha, not to brag, but look at me! I live for moments to defy the odds. Of course, I was young, so despite knowing it would be a risky challenge, I took the job.”

                  “I doubt the farmers realized it, but if they’re spotting a dozen trolls, the trolls are on the verge of hiving. I knew how critical it would be to get in there and eliminate the trolls before they hive. Most trolls wander the wilderness alone, in pairs, or sometimes small groups of four or five. Typically, trolls live an independent life. They rarely live in a society like we do. However, if a location is ideal, with enough resources, it attracts more and more trolls, and when trolls fight for the same resources, something in their brains switches, and they form a hierarchal society. Usually, a larger stronger troll fills the role of a leader, or an alpha of the hive, and the other trolls work together to serve the community under the rule of the alpha.”

                  “Now don’t misunderstand me. Trolls are nasty creatures to begin with. They’ve killed their young ones to maintain power or control over the others. They’re unlike any other animals out there. Mean, mean creatures, they are, often hating their own kind as much as they hate predators or other threats.”

                  “When trolls hive, they get even more dangerous. Once Trolls hive, their numbers often explode. They nest, building their own forms of shelter, which is a fascinating behavior if you ever study trolls. The weaker trolls, or those with young ones, have protection from the community, and in turn, they gather resources and food for the others. It becomes this self-sustaining system that encourages rapid growth. This also makes them extremely territorial.”

                  “Sure, any troll is dangerous, but usually they only attack if provoked, threatened or are desperately looking for food. But clans of trolls, they have this false sense of power and security and attack unprovoked to maintain their territory. The trolls, now under this trance of community, feel this need to expand their territory, finding more places to nest and expand their population.”

                  “I could only assume that’s why the farmers had issues with the trolls. Like any corrupt society, the trolls expand their territory, taking over more land, attempting to kill any other being or creature living there, so they have complete ownership over the land. Now, I’m no fool. I’ve spent a fair amount of study on troll behavior, even reading up before the quest. So, I knew if they estimated a dozen or so trolls, the trolls could be forming a hive, with a larger alpha troll to deal with.”

                  “But I’m a dragon! No offense to you humans, or the other skilled human fighters, but a clan of trolls doesn’t worry me because, unlike you humans, I can take to the skies for attack or escape. Wings are a beautiful thing. I wish you humans could try a pair.”

                  “Okay, enough troll culture. Now I’m not a fan of fighting trolls to begin with. It’s not my thing. I crave more adventurous quests vs. pest control. But I needed the money, so I took the job. I take several days travel to get to this village. It’s remote, and I mean remote in every sense. I remember being glad I fully prepared for this venture, because no other resources existed in that location. The only weapons available to me were the ones I brought. Nor any local authorities I could call on if the situations grew worse. But I’m young, I didn’t care. I wanted to be their hero. If I show up, take out a few trolls, they’ll think I’m the greatest hero ever. Simple work, with fame and glory. Give them a story to talk about.”

                  “Not only was I in the middle of nowhere, but when farmers come asking for help, you think wide open farmlands nestled up into some mountains. Nope. I don’t know what they farmed, but their farms had been built on these intricate tiered strips of land throughout elaborate canyons and ravines. The place was beautiful. When I got there, it felt more like it should be on a vacation than a job. Imagine, this beautiful old village, built into the hillside of the canyon walls, beautiful gardens everywhere, cascading streams and waterfalls filling the many ponds. Seriously, if I could go back there, I would. Just to enjoy the ambience and escape from the rest of the world.”

                  “Sorry, the beauty of the village isn’t the point. The point is, my playing field is not at all what I expected. Trolls are climbers. Sure, if they nested in a little canyon enclave, which I would expect, it would be a typical style of attack. If they nested vertically, such as the inhabitants of the village, that could cause some problems. Like I said. I was young. These red flags only looked like yellow flags to me.”

                  “I spent several days with the villagers, getting to know them, surveying their land, seeing where the troll sightings came from. I found where the cluster of trolls lived, with signs of them hiving together, knowing I arrived just in time to stop a growing troll problem. The villagers loved me already. Just being there, I looked like their conquering hero without even doing anything. However, I could tell some villagers acted more anxious. I think they wanted to take care of the issue before the rainy season. Or the monsoon season, as they called it. A little rain didn’t worry me. In fact, I postponed my first plan of attack because it looked like it would rain soon, and I wanted to attack during a rainstorm.”

                  “Hahaha, the brilliance and stupidity of that choice.”

                  “You see, trolls seek shelter during the rain. Though not entirely controlled by it, they suspend hunting and foraging until the storm blows through. So it’s an opportunity to find them all together in one location. Of course, the rain makes it difficult for me to fly. I’m not the best flyer to begin with, but I can hold my own. The rain is a lot more work to fly in, and I try to reserve my energy for the fight. I figured it would be worth it to deal with the trolls when they would most likely be in one location. I recognized the possibilities of flash floods in a canyon landscape, but I planned to get in, finish the job, then get out all in one night. It would make the job more than worth it.”

                  “The storm rolls in. Nighttime is approaching. I make up a speech about glory and freedom to the villagers, expecting them to send me off cheering. Although they seemed worried. Again, a red flag that my young mind only considered odd. I thought little of it and set out on my venture deep into the canyon landscape to find and slay the trolls.”

                  “Those canyons can be a bit of a maze, so I was glad I previously scouted their location. As I predicted, the group of trolls sought shelter from the storm in their nest. It didn’t take long for the fight to begin. Several of the minion trolls attacked to protect their leader. A few swift swings with my battleaxe, and an aerial approach they did not expect, left three trolls motionless on the ground. They didn’t have a chance. Simple work, by the book. As my trained mind expected, the alpha troll immediately jumped in to defend his territory. He attacked fast and vicious. He nearly got me on his first approach, but I got a good defensive swing in. That troll put up a furious fight to the death. As skilled as I believed myself to be, that troll still landed several nasty swipes with its thick claws.”

                  “I’m now bleeding, thankful all the other trolls trusted in their alpha. They stood there and watched. If they teamed up on me, I don’t think I would have survived. In the dimming light, I couldn’t get a good look at how many of them there were. Possibly they were less experienced foragers or something. I felt a sense of relief that they didn’t attack. The rain grew heavier and heavier. I struggled to keep a grip on my axe while parrying the forceful blows from the troll. I resorted to the ‘small and simple’ technique. Since I couldn’t deliver one significantly lethal blow, I attack with any minor hit I could, slowly wearing down the health of the vicious troll. The long, drawn-out fight exhausted me. I was unsure how long I could keep up my attacks efficiently. My energy wore thin, but I could tell the troll slowed down. One last surge of fighting, and I finally downed the vile troll.”

                  “Turning quickly to defend against the others that would surely attack, I saw the remaining trolls running farther up the canyon. ‘Odd’ I thought. Trolls rarely leave their nest so easily. They usually defend their territory to the end. So, I followed in pursuit. What else was I supposed to do? It’s what they hired me to do. But those trolls moved so fast. I ran and flew through those narrow canyons, driven to finish the job. I couldn’t let them escape.”

                  “Then my mind recognizes this awful stench. An overpowering, pungent smell as I made my way farther up the narrow canyon. Retelling the story, it’s obvious what lies ahead. My young mind was so focused on catching those escaping trolls, it didn’t even consider the options. My inexperienced mind didn’t understand why a few trolls would suddenly smell so bad. In my mind, I figured the increasing downpour of rain made it worse. The closer I drew to the awful smell, the logic of the evidence sank in. As I rounded the corner of a cliff wall, I saw it.”

                  “A massive hive.”

                  “Apparently, these trolls have lived for years undiscovered, nestled away in the remote slot canyon territory. The trolls the farmers witnessed were just an expansion of an already substantial colony. Every troll looked at me as the fleeing trolls ran into the shelter of the hive. I could see that already a thick hierarchal social structure had been established, with several enormous alpha trolls with their own cluster of followers, and one gigantic mountain troll. Most likely the grand alpha of the hive. The thing was enormous, larger than me. I’ve never seen a troll that large. Ever. Before then, nor through the rest of my entire fighting career.”

                  “Haha and I promise I’m not jesting; a crack of thunder rang out right then, and the rain poured down so heavy. Nature must have been laughing at me in its own way. I laugh at it now, but at that moment, my mind only calculated the probabilities of escape.”

                  “As a career fighter, I have a bloated sense of my fighting abilities when facing challenges. But I didn’t hesitate to retreat. I bolted. All I hear are the howls and screeches of the trolls. Snapping branches and twigs as they clambered through the trees. No way could I defend against that. Even though I’m exhausted, I try to take flight. The rain has grown so heavy by now I can barely see. I’m leaping down the ledges of the canyons hoping to get to open ground, when these speed demon trolls lept out of the trees trying to land on me. One hit me hard. I wasn’t even sure what happened, then I felt the claws cut through my scales. My defensive instincts kicked in and I took him down, but it slowed me. Clusters of trolls sprinted towards me. I could see trolls swinging through the trees. I needed to escape fast.”

                  “I take random twists and turns, hoping I could lose them through my agility. But that horrid rain. I could barely see, and somehow, I must have made the wrong turn. Because the canyon walls and floor stop flowing downwards and begin to rise. I must have somehow fled up a random side canyon. The extraordinary speed of the trolls became my immediate concern. If I didn’t find an escape fast, it would be my end. I couldn’t outrun them. I didn't have time to change course, so I focused on a new extraction plan. Find a cliff and jump, putting my trust in my wings. I just hoped I harbored enough energy to keep in flight. As fast as those trolls ran through the thick forest and cliffs, they won’t be able to fly.”

                  “I’m leaping off canyon walls, jumping, running, and climbing with all my might, all while dodging the attacks of the fastest trolls that caught up to me. No way could I stop for an attack. They would swarm me so fast. And then I see it. In the dim, stormy light. The canyon came to a small waterfall cascading off a large cliff wall. I must take flight. It was my only hope. I need to get to the top of that cliff before those trolls drag me to my death.”

                  “I launch upwards, start beating my wings with all my might. I’m almost there. The edge of the cliff gets closer and closer. Then I feel it. A clawed grip on my tail. I slowly see the cliff edge drift farther and farther away.”

                  “It’s an odd experience when you face death. Time slows down. Somehow, your body creates energy out of nothing. I thought it would be impossible to defend against their attacks. My body went into a desperate survival mode, and I unleash every form of attack ever stored in my mind. Swinging with my axe, kicking, clawing, whipping others with my tail. I’m spinning in circles with an onslaught of swings and well-placed strikes. My body did not want to give up. Somehow, I work myself into a corner with a rock wall at my back, so I’m protected, but fighting this growing, surging flood of trolls. It would only be moments before they figure out how to get above me and attack from an angle I can’t defend against.”

                  “Then I hear it.”

                  “It sounded like thunder at first, but rather than going away, the sound and vibrations continued, growing louder and louder, deeper and deeper. The rumbling causing the canyon walls and ground to shake.”

                  “A flash flood.”

                  “The timing had to be perfect.”

                  “I focused all my available faculties on listening to the sound as it drew closer and closer. Then I unleash a massive up-front attack, taking several running steps up the canyon wall. I leap back towards the trolls and take a short flight directly through the small cascading waterfall. Several clawed hands clasp onto my torso and my tail. I drop. As I do, an explosion of rocks, trees, and debris burst from up above. A wall of water and debris came crashing down. I barely make it far enough to avoid a direct hit from the onslaught of rocks, trees, and logs. The raging debris wall of the flood decimates the cluster of trolls trying to follow my escape. I timed it perfectly. Although the weight of the trolls and several bits of flying debris knock me to the ground, I somehow avoid being carried away in the flash flood. I fought with all my might and took out the two trolls clinging to me and then began clawing for any form of stabilization to avoid the increasing flood of debris and sharp sticks.”

                  “I thought that once the flood came, the trolls would retreat, but those trolls are ungodly.”

                  “At first, they tried to cross their raging rapids to get to me; the flood sweeping them instantly away. It didn't take long for the swarm of trolls to climb the trees, jumping from tree to tree to cross the increasing raging flood waters. I don't know how, but they found a way. Trolls landed on my side of the canyon. I put up my defenses the best I could. They kept coming and coming. Hopping through the trees, some even jumped across debris in the flood and I'm fighting for my life, all while clinging to a cliff side, hoping not to be sucked away into this raging flood of water and debris.”

                  “Despite my brilliant plan, those psychotic trolls still find a way to outnumber me. That's when I realize I must make a choice. If this is going to end, am I going to let it end at the hands of these vicious trolls, or would I rather let nature take its course? In a split second, I weighed the options. The trolls would eventually swarm more and more with no clear escape route. I knew what the outcome would be. The major debris wall already passed, although the water still raged, littered with logs, flowing rocks and sharp sticks. Knowing I would eventually lose if I tried to stand my ground, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could have a chance against the forces of nature. I ended up doing one of the dumbest things and probably one of the smartest things I've ever done in my life. With one last swing of my axe, I take a flying leap and launch myself into the raging waters of the flash flood.”

                  “I knew the force of the water would be intense, and as most do, I fully underestimated the power of nature. The current pulled me under, spinning me around as if I were a pebble. I somehow pulled my head up out of the water to get a breath, only to be slammed into the cliff walls. The raging water throwing me round like a child’s doll.”

                  “Then suddenly, out of nowhere, something large crashes down on top of me. I figure it was a large log, or a fallen tree. Then I feel its claws dig in.”

                  “The trolls still tried to get me. Launching themselves from the safety of the trees and cliffs above into the flood to attack. Now I should remind you, trolls are horrible swimmers, they do not fare well in water at all. Even though it meant death, those trolls didn’t hesitate to ensure mine. So now I’m fighting against any troll that lands close enough to get its claws on me, while avoiding raging flood water debris and keeping oxygen in my lungs. Through all of this, I somehow lifted my tired wings above the water to help keep me afloat, while able to steer in the rapid waters.”

                  “Trolls are landing in the water next to me. I attack, jabbing with my axe the best I can while trying to keep my head above water. I ward off two, then three. Then I remember thinking I might survive! At which point I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head, and all went dark.”

                  “No memories after that. I remember suddenly hearing voices. I hear people talking. Then, I feel a weird poking sensation in my chest. Haha, I remember feeling so confused. I wondered if this was what death felt like. Then I become aware that I’m slowly coming back into consciousness. I quickly realize the pain throughout my entire body. The odd poking pain jutting into the side of my chest persists. I felt so confused. Then I can tell it’s daylight, I can feel the warmth on my skin, and the light shining on me. I finally crack open my eyes. The light burns, making me blink. I can see a figure standing over me.”

                  “Then it all became clear. I see one of the villager boys standing above me, poking me with a stick. I remember thinking how ill mannered the villager boy must have been to so rudely jab at me with a stick. Then I wonder, exactly where am I?”

                  “I have no memory of the previous night, or how I even survived. Yet I seemed to be alive. Breaking through the pain of my night’s motionless rest, I get up. The boy is calling to others. Suddenly, I find myself surrounded by a cluster of the farmers and villagers that hired me. Haha, they’re all staring at me, with this astonished look on their face, like I’m a ghost, or something. I remember thinking, what happen to me? Am I missing a leg or something? They all seemed shocked. Haha, so I look at my legs and wings to make sure they are all there. I was so confused. In so much pain. All the villagers are gathering around me, thanking me, praising me for my abilities. And that’s when I see it.”

                  “The flood washed out dozens of those foolish trolls that jumped in the flood. They lay motionaless, strewn about all over.”

                  “Hahaha, that’s when it hits me. The villagers think I fought all of those trolls and killed them all. I mean, I would be impressed too if a lone warrior took out that many trolls. I didn’t have the heart to tell them what actually happened, though I deserve some credit for actually surviving the ordeal. They treated me like a god of war for freeing their entire village. Looking back, I probably should have been more honest, but I was in a lot of pain and exhausted. Plus, I knew that wouldn’t be the end of those trolls. So I collected my payment and got out of there. No way I could get involved with a troll infestation as bad as theirs.”

                  “I felt a little bad that I left. Occasionally I’ll think of that small town of farmers, hoping they found someone to take care of the trolls. I just knew it wouldn’t be me.”

                  Theo nodded, then asked. “Is that how you lost your tail?”

                  “Ha. That’s another story for another day. And a lot more ale!”