On The Edge of Fate

                  Enok woke with the rising sun, making sure all the animals were cared for, fed and secured. Even though Jonas paid a substantial deposit, Enok wanted to prove his ability working as an animal handler. Jonas was also awake, writing notes in his books and maps. Enok went about his work in the peaceful quiet of the morning when he noticed Lili standing on some rocks above camp. Surprised that she also enjoyed the early mornings, he joined her.

                  Normally she had her sketchbook in hand, drawing anything that grabs her interest, but as Enok got closer, he noticed she wasn’t drawing. She stood holding her sketchbook to her side, staring into the valley.

                  “Running out of things to draw?” Enok asked.

                  Lili smiled. She rarely had anyone to socializing with this early in the morning. “No, quite the opposite. There’s everything to draw. That’s the problem. I mean, would you look at that?” Lili pointed to the view of the sun rising over the valley.

                  “Yeah, it’s quite breathtaking. Too bad we won’t have time to explore the place.”

                  Lili continued to stare at the valley, ignoring Enok’s comment. “I can’t stop looking into it. You know, they say the Valley lures you in, and you never leave. I can see why. I’m terrified to take a step further, knowing any form of a horrible fate is just a step away, yet I can’t think of anything else other than seeing more of the valley. Discovering what’s down there, what the plants are like, what animals live there. Experience it all. You read about jungles like this, and we didn’t even know one existed right here behind our village. How could I go on without experiencing what it’s like?”

                  Lili almost talked to herself, as if vocalizing an inner dialog. She turned to Enok. “Promise me you won’t ever leave me. Promise me you’ll keep me safe. I don’t always trust my sister, but I’ve always trusted you. I know we are most likely going home. It’s just that… ever since last night, I feel uncomfortable about this place.”

                  Lili’s request surprised Enok, although he felt flattered by the notion. They had been friends for years, but they were just that, childhood friends. Enok enjoyed being around Lili. He felt like she understood him the best. The feeling of a protective role over her gave Enok a strange sense of connection. He liked it, although he wasn’t sure how to manage the emotions that came with it. He stumbled over his words, “Yeah, sure, you know, of course I would never let you get… into … danger, and stuff.”

                  Lili looked into his eyes for a moment, then smiled. “Thanks, you’re my … you’re a good friend.”

                  The two friends stood there, talking about the valley and the stories they would have to share once they got home. The morning offered a moment of peace, and like the sun rising, the activity in the camp increased, beckoning Lili and Enok to return to camp and socialize while they enjoyed some of their food rations for breakfast.