No Time to Rest

                  Brynhilda returned to the village of Eknor. She felt mentally and physically exhausted, but her desire to protect her granddaughters and their friends drove her to keep moving. Even though a substantial amount of translation work remained to be done, she knew enough about the Valley of Myrr to understand why people believed it to be cursed. She knew the real dangers that may lie within. Brynhilda clung to the hope that whatever was discovered years ago somehow died out with time. With the numbers of stories and lore that circled the valley, she believed her hope to be a mere glimmer in the face of growing evidence.

                  Brynhilda arrived at the Thorsten ranch, Enok’s father’s place of business. Taking a deep breath, she walked inside. The place smelled of leather, rope, and a hint of livestock. A large, thick dragon worked behind a desk area, organizing stacks of leather harnesses. The dragon looked up to greet his new customer.

                  “Can I help you?”

                  “Yes! A man named Jonas came in here a few days ago to hire out some of your animals. He came from out of town. My granddaughters and their friends went with them, and I’m trying to find out when they are planning to be back?”

                  The thick dragon stared back, annoyed, “Lady, a lot of people rent our animals, and no offense, but I don’t know your granddaughters.”

                  “Ah, ha yes, of course you don’t. Although Jonas only came in here a few days ago, just recently…” Brynhilda hoped the dragon would recall the name ‘Jonas’ if she gave him time.

                  The dragon shook his head, indicating the information didn’t help. “People return their animals, then more people come in and rent those. It’s a constant cycle. I lose track unless I have the paperwork to refer to. This time of year, we are extremely busy. Maybe you have some paperwork, or a contract I can help you with.”

                  “Unfortunately, no, as I did not rent them. But I imagine you know the boy that lives here. I believe he went with on the journey.”



                  A head poked around the corner of an office. “Enok? Yes, that’s my son.” The large man stepped out of his office, approaching Brynhilda. “I know the trip you’re talking about.”

                  “Oh, excellent! My granddaughters went with him on their journey, and I’m hoping to find out when they are coming back,” Brynhilda asked.

                  The large man scratched his beard, thinking a moment. “Actually, they planned to return today. I’m sure the storm that came through here set them back a day or so.”

                  “Yesterday!? And you have heard nothing from them?”

                  “Nothing to worry about ma’am, that’s how these journeys usually go. It’s common to travel much slower with those pack animals. Everyone underestimates the time it takes. I allow at least two to three days for clients to return. They always think they can do more than what is realistic. Don’t think I haven’t learned that the hard way.”

                  “Aren’t you worried about your son?” Brynhilda asked.

                  “Ha, no he’s fine. He’s a good kid. A few extra challenges would be good for him. Keep him humble. Besides, he told me they recruited Yerik Goldsword to go with them. Believe me, they are more than fine if he’s there. I’m sure those kids are having so much fun they don’t want to come back,” Enok’s father said with a chuckle.

                  Brynhilda gave him an unsatisfied look.

                  The man could tell Brynhilda did not like his response. “Look, those kids are in excellent hands. Enok would look after your granddaughters like sisters of his own. I assure you there is nothing to worry about.”

                  “Hmmm, and you don’t know when they might return home?”

                  “If they come back tomorrow, that would be nice. I have another request I could accommodate, but it could be the next day. We’ll see.”

                  “We’ll see? We’ll see?” Brynhilda mumbled under her breath as she thought and paced about. She thanked Enok’s father and turned to leave.

                  Eknor thrived in its reputation for peace. Yet Brynhilda felt no peace, no safety, and no security in her own village. She not only worried for her granddaughters, but their entire group. She tried to tell herself that Jonas and the Yerik Goldsword character would be strong enough to take care of them. As much as she told her mind how to feel, her heart did not align. If what she translated in the found book were true, the Valley of Myrr contained far too many buried secrets. Dangerous secrets. The lore of a cursed valley seemed all too real. Brynhilda could not settle for, ‘We’ll see’.

                  Opening the door, she prepared to exit, trying to convince herself to trust that Yerik and Jonas kept the group safe. Then she stopped. A crazy idea popped into her mind. She knew the path the group most likely took. She thought a moment about her abilities. Despite countless reasons to ignore the surging desire in her heart, she thought about her grandmother, and thought about her granddaughters and wanted to be with them as soon as she could.

                  “Well, Brynsie, you’ve done far more foolish things in your life.”

                  Brynhilda turned around, went back inside, and asked, “How much to rent an animal I can ride?”