Once a great leader of his clan, Baal innovated new magical practices, creating unique abilities within those he trained. But his thirst for power blinded him to the safety of his fellow dragons. After a significant falling out with the other dragons, he found himself alone, emotionally banished. His only hope of redemption lies within unlocking the Pearl of Power.


“I shall find my precious pearl.”

Physical Traits

            Baallettayellia, or often known as Baal, is a smaller dragon and part of the New Era Torkkaali clan of dragons dedicated to the practice of dragon magic. Baal is a mixed species dragon of broad horned and swift heritage. This genetic heritage gives him a decent amount of flight, in contrast to the other wizard dragons of the Torkkaali clan.

            Originally decorated with a dark scale pattern, Baal lost his colors and patterns the longer he lived in the underground city. As he delved into the practice of dark dragon magic, the evil magic warped and twisted his physical appearance. Horn growth shifted, growing sporadically. Some growth accelerated while other traits became warped and stunted.

            As conflicts grew within the valley, fights often broke out between him and the other dragons, adding to his battle ravaged look. Several near-death attacks from their creations further marred his appearance by leaving significant scars across his body. The most notable battle wound came from an assault on the clan by Paha Attu. Baal’s efforts to resist the corrupting nature of the Crystal Scale warped his mind, creating nervous ticks, mumbling mannerisms and anxious pacing. His lengthy time in the underground city, along with the deterioration of his mind, has left him a mentally scattered and battle worn version of himself.


Magical Abilities

            Although born into the New Era Torkkaali clan, Baal was never gifted with natural magic at birth. As a member of the Torkkaali, the clan trained him from a young age and prepared him to receive magic. Baal received his initiating magical spark from relics created by the dragons within the Valley of Myrr, already infected by the influence of the Crystal Scale fused into the Shard of Rathknarr.

            Though recruited to help purify the dark magic from the Shard of Rathknarr, the influence of the crystal scale remained too powerful to be extracted. The mixture of the two types of magic accelerated Baal’s abilities, but also altered his mind. The more he practiced his magic, the more he could feel his mind slipping, just like those dragons before him that succumbed to the influence of the corrupted magic.

            Smart enough to avoid a similar fate, Baal relied on his intelligence and his mind over his magic to fulfill tasks for The Dragon Order. Though still a powerful sorcerer, he manipulated other dragons to use their magic for him, avoiding the corrupting influence of their mixed magic. Upon realizing the futile attempt to overcome the effects of the Crystal Scale, Baal devised a plan to access the Pearl of Power to purify the magic of his clan and finish the mission they started. Although it meant rebelling against the directive of the Dragon Order.


Historical Knowledge

            Not much is known about the youth and upbringing of Baal. The Torkkaali clan raised him as most of the other dragons in their clan, filled with training, tests and trials to prove his worthiness, endurance and abilities. The Dragon Order selected Baal to join the dragons in the sunken city within the Valley of Destruction, tasked with preserving their dragon magic and revitalizing of their mission for the Dragon Order.

            Despite their efforts to purify the dark dragon magic, the Torkkaali clan failed to understand the corruptive nature of the Crystal Scale and continued to fuse corrupted magic into the new recruits. The new dragons of Myrr excelled, often growing attached to the powers the corrupted magic gave them, yet blind to the corrosion of the underlying creation magic. Baal became one of the few to recognize the effects of the corruptive magic.

            Already infected, Baal relied on the magic of others to accomplish his goals and tasks. He learned how to manipulate the other dragons into doing what he wanted, so that he could remain as far from the magical corruption as possible. This positioned him as a significant leader to the clan in the underground city. He taught and trained many dragons of Myrr in ways to excel and flourish with their dark magic, knowing what the powers could do, while not partaking in such powers.

            The clan flourished, invigorating their efforts to fulfill the plans of the Dragon Order. But the Magnificent Beasts created in the Valley threatened the work of the clan. Waging a war against them, Baal invented traps to capture and destroy the remaining Magnificent Beasts in the valley. With a significant following from the other dragons of Myrr, Baal also devised a plan to return to Hallador and acquire the Pearl of Power.

            Although aware of the magical corruption from the mixed magic, Baal failed to identify the corruptive nature of his own arrogance. He grew comfortable using other dragons for his will, often putting their lives at risk for the sake of his plans. Conflict grew between him and the other Dragons of Myrr. But the return of Paha Attu ended any disputes.

            After the cleanse, only a few dragons survived, including Baal. The assault left him scarred and wounded; the trauma warping his mind further. Baal tried to rebuild his clan, yet the others no longer trusted him. He trained and taught them how to be powerful sorcerers, and they used it against him. Fueled with anger, he used his traps to exact revenge on other clan members that disagreed with him. These events created a significant falling out with the other dragons of Myrr, ostracizing him from their efforts to rebuild. Baal, left alone, still clung to the belief that if they could only access the Pearl of Power, he could save his clan and regain their praise and admiration.