A Curious Feeling

The creature of darkness followed Torben, prepared to slide down the slope of rubble in pursuit. Then it stopped.

                  “I feel it again! The magic, a new magic! I feel it. A… powerful magic? Is it human? It feels dragon, it feels evil, it feels powerful. What is this new magic?”

                  The white dragon stared upward in the darkness. Then, looking down the slope, he could hear Torben crawling along the ground of rubble below.

                  “The human boy will not escape. He cannot run far. Trapped by fear and darkness. He will not leave. The actions of humans are easy to predict. But more humans?”

                  The white dragon looked upward. “A new magic, a powerful wizard or sorceress? The boy may be part of them. There must be more humans.” The white dragon stood motionless in thought.

                  “I must know.”

                  The white dragon turned around, returning to the path leading upward.

                  “This new power, I must acquire it. I must destroy the bearer of the power. If such a power came into the valley, why was I not informed? Does the Order know? They can’t! This is new. This power comes from the valley. Why have I not felt it before? I must know.”

                  The white dragon stopped.

                  “This is an awakening! The Dragon Order has not sensed it yet. The summoning? The call was to cleanse the valley of the dragon vermin. They said nothing of humans, nothing of new powers, nothing of what I sense. The Dragon Order does not know.”

                  The white dragon laughed a wheezing, gurgling laugh.

                  “The Great One does not understand. He does not realize. Now is the beginning. Now is the time to unleash our armies upon the world above and begin the reign of terror!”

                  The white dragon laughed.

                  “Now is the time of destruction.”